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Saturday, April 17, 2010

The She Devil Was Telling The Truth

                                 THIS IS MY GOLD CAR.  I LOVE IT

I get a call at breakfast this morning, and it is Blondie (you remember, the she devil) telling me that she has the Twenty Five - $5 casino chips from the Tropicana. I hurry to chew and swallow my Taylor Ham Sandwich (God's Food) and jump in my Scion to see these casino chips in person.  Still a little unbelievable that this girl could just find $125 in casino chips in a bag on the ground.  That, is the supposed story.

In preparation for a trip, (in case Blondie's story is true), I fill up my vehicle with gas.  It costs me $30 to fill up, and I am supposed to make $50 out of this transaction after cashing the chips, so I will wind up with a $20 profit.  Just to get away from the TV set to Atlantic City today is making me feel good.  I always try to defend the fact that gambling is not a real addition, but when a small dose of it (like today's trip will be) makes me feel better, I sometimes wonder.  Nah!!  No way is gambling comparable to crack, or coke, or meth, or heroin.  None of those addictions will ever have a positive outcome.  At least a gambling addiction will have you on the positive end of some pocket change (or more) when your done snorting the dice.

I arrive at Blondie's beat up apartment in Elizabeth NJ ( I hate that town), give her a call, and tell her to come to the car.  As she approaches the car in her Yankees baseball shirt, I glance at the white shopping bag tied in a knot , swinging in her hands.  She tosses it over to me, and I untie the knot to reveal the casino chips. That quick feel and the sound of them rubbing together as I poured them into my hands, was enough to convince me that the chips were authentic.  Cool.  Get in the car and lets go cash them.

I am getting kind of tired now.  That trip to Atlantic City and back (5 hours total for me) really burns me out.  Plus, I had a couple of beers while we were there.  So if you come back here tomorrow, I'll reveal the outcome of handing the chips over to the casino cashier in exchange for the money.

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