Advocate For The Disabled And Indigent

Advocate For The Disabled And Indigent
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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Casino Gambling Chips

My two divorces and various choices of women have been a huge factor in a lot of my unfortunate circumstances.  And yet, I don't blame any of them because they were all fairly good girls.  Even my 2 ex wives turned out to be great mothers to my children and were probably making the right decisions when we went our separate ways. 

But there was one girl (the last one I was with) who was a major contributor to a lot of the destruction in my life in the last 10 years.  Not that I still wouldn't have self destructed without her, but keeping this girl in my life was like having my own private mine field, that I knew would explode as I ventured across it, yet kept moving forward amassing additional colateral damage along the way.

Now some people would say that choosing a go-go dancer from NJ to go out with is just looking for trouble, but I tried the other wholesome church goin', family oriented, child raisin', career focused girls and did not have much luck, so what the heck.  Little did I know then, that I was falling for the exotic dancer from hell.

Let's call this girl Blondie.  Why?  Because that's what she called herself.   When I asked her why she would name herself after a pop singer, she informed me that it was a term of endearment that her father called her when she was 3. That should have been my first clue to run for the hills.  I will probably be referring to her many times as I recount many of my natural disasters.  I served an 8 year self induced sentence with this girl, and have since cut the ties and remain alone as of this date.

Getting back to current events and the gambling chips referenced above......Blondie calls me today to tell me that she has happened upon a bag of $5 Tropicana Casino Poker Chips and wants to know if I will give her the money for the chips.  How she came upon this bag of chips is still not clear to me, but reveals that there are 25 of them.  Her offer to me is that she will give me all the chips if I can give her $75 cash.  I will let you know how this transaction turns out.  I am going over to her place tonight.

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